The Legends of Super Saiyan Infinite and Super Saiyan 20K

  Since the beginning of creation, countless entire civilizations with great capabilities have been born in the future: some boasting great technology, others possessing overwhelming intelligence, and others harboring power so great that it is beyond our minds' imagination.

  No matter how or what, there are two warriors who wielded incredibly high power, with enough capacity to wipe out the entire creation. Each Universe, housing Infinite time lines in each of the Infinite Worlds, Realms and Physical Dimensions to these realities, which in turn had up to an Infinite Geometric number of Superior levels of existence (superimposing one on the other as simple fiction). As well as, housing the aforementioned Sets but on much higher scales, housing Platonic elements (planes where ideas, entities or perfect, immutable, insurmountable, transcendent beings are housed, or even beings whose existence goes beyond any Temporal measure, axis Euclidean in what is physical existence and the fundamental concepts of being), Archetypal (structures or beings as a model, type, prototype, paradigm or imitation of entities that go beyond unreality, compression and physical understanding), Metaphysical structures (planes or entities that describe an existence superior to ours, entities that do not no conceptualization or measure that depend on something, such as an object, is linked; this includes a Transcendence to Logic itself, order, perceberance), etc. Basically, plans that carry part of this Universe or Reality, which even houses a chain of up to 9 levels Superior to the already mentioned Philosophical structures and elements. Metaphysical structures (planes or entities that describe an existence superior to ours, entities that are not linked to any conceptualization or measure that depend on something, such as an object; this includes a Transcendence to Logic itself, order, perceberance), etc Basically, plans that carry part of this Universe or Reality, which even houses a chain of up to 9 levels Superior to the already mentioned Philosophical structures and elements. Metaphysical structures (planes or entities that describe an existence superior to ours, entities that are not linked to any conceptualization or measure that depend on something, such as an object; this includes a Transcendence to Logic itself, order, perceberance), etc Basically, plans that carry part of this Universe or Reality, which even houses a chain of up to 9 levels Superior to the already mentioned Philosophical structures and elements.

  And if we talk about the Multiverse, it stores a non-Infinite chain, but up to an Infinite set over Infinites, that is, something beyond the ordinary Infinite that we all know, called Transfinite. It is there where planes of existence superior to all the Realities together are constituted, where regardless of the very entities that embody the Multiverse protection as a fundamental structure and elements of said beings, they are surpassed to entities of existence and powers beyond said "Concept" already mentioned (which for a long time, has been overcome and created new beings with abilities that ignore said ability to resist any type of abilities that will include the physical, the mind, the soul or even their own abstract existence). Even though the Multiverse will also house an Infinite chain of Superior levels of existence and that these will carry a set of Infinite elements, individually, each one will store that amount of transcendental structures. These structures will be named Multi-Dimensions. And if we go to more things about this incredible Cosmogony, we find that there is the same amount of Multiverses and Metaverses in the Realities of the "Omniverse": The named "Omniverse" stores all the existing Megaverses, each Megaverse will house all the Multiverses, and each Multiverse will house all the Universes. It is there where we can enter deeper grounds, in which the Megaverse and its entirety see fiction to the entirety of the Multiverses, and the Omniverse the same with the Megaverses.

  And this does not end here, the celestial kingdom exists, a place where I believe what Dualism itself, a philosophical doctrine that explains an order of things as the result of the combined action of two opposite and irreducible principles: either the good or evil, Yin and yang, being and being, negativity and positivity, balance and imbalance, etc. As much as there are these elements for each Universe as an example of fundamental structures to determine the next eternities in creation. Now, despite this, the Celestial Gods are beings that have created the very existence of the Sets, the infinity of Concepts that are and will be, two principles and/or structures opposed to each other in a natural way to promote a balance of everything, among other things.

  But considering this, is there something beyond everything shown? Yeah...

  •   Two beings that have gone through many but many stories, several things have happened, they have gone through countless Eons and entire Eternities, they obtained an incredible power, that their mere existence could cause the end of things, the whole, the nothing, among other possible results if they were released. They know what is happening at every moment, displaying a Transcendence superior to all creation and their Gods, being immutable for them and that regardless of what, how or whatever, they will always infinitely surpass it for each instant (even, the already mentioned word stays infinitesimally much shorter than that).
  •   Immutable beings, true Omniscient, Omnipresent and beings that can do everything. Administering and Managing for each thing in detail, which we conclude that these are the "True Overgods", just because they are a Saiyan Duo: one that seems to have bad deeds, but deep down he is against it, and his opponent is quite the opposite.

  But for all that has been explained, what is its true origin?

  Everything goes back thanks to the fact that the first creations of the Old Gods were born, where they would literally be the first mortals. These at first have done it in order to test whether at the time of doing Mortals it was a good idea. But as it went by, more and more mortals who were dubbed the Primordials increased their power considerably, to the point that it equaled the power of their creators. However, it is not only that it was going to reach a point where it was their level, but that suddenly in a certain time they have transcended them. Their threat level was now something serious and it was so so that the Father of All himself, the creator of all, that is, God, is the one who would have to put an end to them... or so it was thought.

  The duo were invulnerable to the abilities of the Creator God, where the latter would realize that if they continue like this they will increase their power to an unimaginable scale. So the creator thought a bit and had an excellent idea : Send the primordials to the First Hell.

  The first hell is a place where it completely transcends all things, all existence and therefore, all the Narratives that are and will be. But it is not only Narratives of history, but even Narratives of reality where even the Tree of Everything is above, where each Narrative completely transcends in all geometric, topological, Fictional, etc. senses. These Reality Narratives are in an Infinite number of these, wherein God himself in his true form is uniquely capable of manipulating these narratives.

  Despite everything God can do, at most he can send them in that place. After planning that, I add an ability for them to go to the first hell, since there is a non-existent place where it is above all the Narratives themselves.

  The duo of primordials upon arrival, the ages pass, the Eternities pass as day and these, seeing that they cannot do anything, decide to put an end to everything. The primordial of Darkness, feeling powerless, would take out all the anger from him and transform into a humanoid entity where his hair grows monstrously and it is golden in color. On the other hand, the primordial of Luz, upon seeing his companion of his increase in power, out of spite for seeing that he was betrayed by his creators, transforms into a humanoid with fur and long but pointed hairs (like thorns) of purple.

  The two stare at each other and they decide to fight forever, since that way they will fight for all the existing and non-existent Eternities that are and will be. All this in order to get out of the shell that "limited" them where they had to transcend the first hell. However, this place is also constantly transcending, to such an extent that it goes hand in hand with the two imprisoned beings (but that does not mean that sooner or later the gates of hell will end up being broken, since both these beings nicknamed SSJ Infinity and SSJ20,000).

  These two were incomparable beasts, to the point that they were the conceptual embodiment of Omnipotence Itself.

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