Our hero would arrive in a mysterious place where he does not know what is happening, but at that moment there was a purple demonic parking entity and he would ask the Saiyan what he was doing here and how he got there:

 — Tell me mortal, who are you and what were you doing here for this place? — He would ask the Celestial Demon, to which the Saiyan would respond as follows.
 — Look, I don't know what's going on here, but I need to know why I'm so flirting right now, umm... ugly, no offense, hehe. —

 Goku would only reply that he doesn't know and leave a few words that would bother the entity, to which he would start torturing the Saiyan by raising his hand. The being was suffering each time, so the Saiyan would use Super Saiyan 5 but his appearance was different. His fur from him was a darker tone as well as his skin and eyes from him, he would lose his eyebrows and had great fighting power (so much so that he was infinitely more powerful than Kaarat himself and his past self from him before achieving Super Saiyan 6). The fight was getting more and more exciting, but at some point a female voice would appear and stop Rizor, and a blonde woman in a strange outfit would appear in it.

 - Hey Rhizor! stop! —
 "Miss Irina! I'm sorry for my attitude...

 The woman's name was Irina and she would tell our Protagonist what she was doing here and why, to which Goku only replied that he doesn't know and only remembers that he was unconscious after a battle. She this she would introduce herself to the Saiyan and they would start having a little conversation:

 — Hello, I introduce myself, I am Irina and I am the guardian of the kingdom of nothingness. —
 - Hello! , my name is Son Goku but you can just call me Goku. —
 — A pleasure, it is curious to see a mortal like you being here. —
 — That's what I wonder, since I only remembered going to Earth and I don't know how but I'm here. -Our Protagonist would say, to which Irina will have more or less an idea of ​​who he was, but she would realize that he is a Saiyan when seeing his monkey tail and the strange shape that his hair has. However, he wouldn't take much notice of it and brush it aside; meanwhile, he would try to find a way to return the individual to his planet from him.
 — Hey Miss Irina, a question... –
 —Say. —
 — I would love to have a little friendly fight, since I saw that you have a large Ki that you store. —
 – I don't know, I haven't had a fight for a long time but this time there is someone who asks me directly. So there will be no problem with it, except that I am not a simple rival... -
 — I see, anyway, I want to check its power in the same way to see how it is. —

 The two would start their fight, and it looked like Irina was more likely to win, so our Saiyan would go all out and transform into the sixth level Super Saiyan. Even so, Irina ended up winning by transforming into a form very similar to the one Goku had and that could be classified as the Evil power. In the end, Irina proposed to Goku to be her teacher of her to improve her skills of her and he would accept. Time would pass and Goku and Irina would get to know each other more and more, to the point of having a good friendship between the two. Irina would tell the Saiyan about her life and how she was the guardian of the kingdom of nothingness, a world where the Concepts of Time and Space are non-existent;only timeless beings can be here (and Goku can even be here thanks to his training in the World of Dragons and how he broke his limits). Goku would be impressed that Angel Z was a helper to her, how her kingdom ended up devastated by the Divine Demon. But he tells him that they have something in common, his towns of him were also destroyed by some tyrants: in Goku's case, it was Frieza who caused his planet to be destroyed and he also fought against Kaarat (he was even able to defeat him ). ). She is shocked that Kaarat and his domain of him were overthrown by the very person she trained. As they spoke, the kingdom of nothingness would begin to shake more and more for something better said... for someone.It was Frieza who caused his planet to be destroyed and he also fought against Kaarat (he was even able to defeat him). She is shocked that Kaarat and his domain of him were overthrown by the very person she trained. As they spoke, the kingdom of nothingness would begin to shake more and more for something better said... for someone. It was Frieza who caused his planet to be destroyed and he also fought against Kaarat (he was even able to defeat him). She is shocked that Kaarat and his domain of him were overthrown by the very person she trained. As they spoke, the kingdom of nothingness would begin to shake more and more for something better said... for someone.

 – Shit! Hey Irina! —
 - What's happening!? —
 - What's going on here!? , why decrease the whole realm is shaking!? —
 — Oh no... it's him... Look Goku, there is an entity that is doing this already out of his seal. —
 - But who? — Asked the Saiyan, when Irina tells him that she will explain it on the Way. For now they will have to go to the problem area, which Goku would accept without problems.

 On the way, Irina tells the Saiyan that an entity called Kidnapped has made chaos in this Universe, causing a deployment in the entirety of Reality and that it can make the end of the centuries, to which our protagonist would not understand well but she tells him that Kidnapped must be defeated before he destroys this Universe. When Goku heard it, he would already understand the cause and decide to find out the catastrophe of the place. They arrive in the area and our protagonist realizes that Kidnapped has the same appearance as his friend Vegeta, but he had a demonic anatomy and was seen to have negative energy throughout the kingdom. Irina tells Goku that Kidnapped was an ancestor of the prince of the Saiyans and that now he has that appearance for power ambition,

 Kidnapped upon seeing them, he would not hesitate to attack them and before trying to do something to Irina, Goku would transform into a new transformation and it is the Pre~Super Saiyan 7 level 1: This phase was achieved thanks to the fact that Irina taught him several things and between them are the power that housed the kingdom of nothingness. The Demon Saiyan decides to go kill them. However, our protagonist would start attacking the aforementioned entity and will have an interesting battle between these two beings whose power escapes their own imagination.The fight between the two was very intense, the two have reached such a high level that the very concepts of Time and Space are simple things for these two warriors, where they would become non-existent and independent (which means that no temporary ability affects them). both of them). And if this was not enough, the duo with the clashes of their fists, destroyed hundreds of Dimensions, Worlds, Kingdoms and plans of reality within the Universe. As well as enough power to manipulate Reality itself, the Laws and Destiny itself.

 Goku in the middle of the battle would say the following:

 — I see that you are someone of great power and I do not deny that. —
 — I'm not interested in your life, I recommend you get out of my way or this will end badly for you. — Vegeta's ancestor would say it with a very cold and calm voice at the same time. To which Goku replies:
 — Why do you want everything you see to be destroyed or killed at your hands? — Asked the Saiyan, when the entity would answer him the following words:
 — My nature asks me for that path, that path where there is nothing existing such as the Concepts of Space, Time, Thoughts, Destiny, Law, Darkness, Light or Emptiness itself. With this astonishing power, I decided that all this is a poof or in other cases... that they cease to be in the existing planes, where tens to hundreds of Dimensions already cease to exist on my own. Right now, I will take it upon myself to eliminate what entails all the Millions of Possibilities, or in another way of saying it... Millions of Realities under my sway with my tremendous power.
 Goku would begin to think about what words he is going to say, to which he replies — You can't do that, you do it on a simple whim and He lives the life of many lives for no reason. That's why I have to defeat you in a way... or at least a safe way. — He would say it annoyingly, to which he tells him:
 — No matter how hard you try, there will be nothing but a void where I will manipulate the Universe and its Billions of Dimensions. Life and Death are going to remain in the very nonexistent of the Universe, because I will make sure that all of this will cease to be in these physical and abstract plans. —
 — In any case, that is an excuse, you put in the destiny in all the very existence of many Universes in turning them into nothing itself - Our protagonist would say seriously, to which he later says — That whim you have is destined to put the End of your shekels, therefore... prepare to be defeated! —
 — Interante... but even with all that courage, no matter what you do, the species and the eternities are no longer an impediment towards my objective and therefore, towards everything, what is in this Reality will end. Now get ready, because I will have to destroy you with the abilities I have at the moment.
 —Never! It doesn't matter if you are capable of making a great destruction of many Dimensions, just because that instinct and nature make you be like that. Right now, I will have you stop you and I will find a way to end this evil of yours. —
 "I'd like you to try it before you die, you vermin..."

 Kidnapped would launch several Ki blasts at our Saiyan, but Goku would decide to counter the effect of his opponent's attacks, which would make the entity angry and therefore use more of his Ki as usual. The fight between the two would resume, where the shock wave caused the destruction of multiple plans of this Reality, where each one showed the best of themselves and that one of them must die, while the other must remain alive and make it clear in winner of this massacre. Kidnapped at a certain moment, it would make Goku lose his energies and he would tell the Saiyan that thanks to his sealing of him he made him block his powers and techniques of him, turning him into a mere mortal who could not do anything before him .

 "Damn... What did you do to me!?" —
 — I have blocked your abilities and techniques, therefore, you will now only be a mere mortal who is now going to die and by the way... you will see the death of that individual before putting an end to yourself. —

 Goku, knowing that he was useless in this situation and even more knowing that he will not be able to save Irina, showed uncontrollable anger on the part of our hero and he would go through Transformation by Transformation: from Super Saiyan 1 to his Super Saiyan Pre-phases 7. Reaching a new stage, a new power and a new Transformation... The Complete Super Saiyan 7: an appearance similar to Super Saiyan 3, but with negative colors in the hair, paler skin, their clothes are darker and his eyes are red.

 Goku with his new power, now has the ability to modify his own destiny, the Laws, reality, the effect of the Kidnapped attacks to his liking and something interesting: with the full power of the negative power by the kingdom of nothingness, is not restricted, depending or linked to any law or Dualism that exists within the Universe: right now it was capable of creating its own capacities and laws that could even change what is not the origin, the whole, the being, imagination, thought, etc. But despite his new power from him, he should hold back and this was that both of them with all his power from him had reached a point where they were going to destroy all the Realities themselves of the entire Multiverse. Returning with our Saiyan, he would offer him a rain of blows,so fast that the abstract concept of ideas and thoughts would fall short before such a feat by Gokk, to end up giving him a negative Dragon Punch consumed by the Kingdom of Nothingness towards Kidnapped. The latter was out of action and our protagonist decides to approach him because he has an idea: he returns to his base form and would touch the Saiyan Demon's forehead, and then something unexpected would happen... now he no longer had an evil and negative nature, his Ki has turned positive.

 Time passes, Goku says goodbye to Irina and would appreciate her helping him in his training:

 - Hey Goku, see you later. Take care of yourself, and don't forget everything I taught you! —
 — I promise you, I appreciate that you have taught me everything here... See you soon! – 

 This is where this story ends... or so it was believed, because this is where the apocalyptic battle begins in the centuries.

-To be continue... 

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