Right at the exact moment, after spending the first 30 seconds of using the forbidden power, our Saiyan would use that to finish off Cellbuzer. Then he would use his power to return everything to normal, but the other 30 seconds just passed, where our protagonist decides to say goodbye to all his loved ones... or so it was thought: shortly after, Goku sees what an infinite Void was like. , in which he does not know what happened but a great flash of blinding Light illuminates the area and after that he returned to the world where he belonged.

—Wh-where am I?... Is it back? —

  These words reverberated the place and his loved ones see the return of the Saiyan, who have thought that he had disappeared.


  A year has passed since the Cellbuzer fight, where our heroes strengthened and rested, moving on from their quiet lives. Some warriors have started to use a training methodology that neither Goku nor Vegeta were aware of and that is the Mystic power. Said power was carried out in a 24-hour ritual, where the user must remain focused for a full day, to later have good results: increased power, unlimited energy, an improvement in the users' perception, denying invulnerability to damage and mental, spiritual beings and even abstractions.

  All of that was a good form of training. All of this has started with a comment from Gohan, where both Techi Han, Yamcha, Krillin and Chaoz have started on it. Later, Gohan would warn them about it after seeing that his father and Vegeta were paying so much attention to the increase in his Ki, both agreeing without problems (although well, Vegeta has not gone well after waiting a whole day to do the ritual).

  When everyone was on the planet of the Kaioshins, at any moment a huge tremor was felt where both Goku, Vegeta and Gohan felt from said place. It was then that Kibito Shin warned them that there is a possible threat that is approaching, so they must prepare as quickly as possible, since it is possible that the enemy is even stronger than Cellbuzer.

— "E-eat more dangerous than Cellbuzer!?" —. Vegeta would say astonished.

- No, it is not possible! - Gohan would say angrily.

- Do you know who it is? —

  When Goku asked Kibito Shin who it was, he would answer with one thing... Demiyari.

  Now it's time to explain who Demiyari is and why he's so dangerous. This entity is a very powerful king, where he is the supreme ruler of not only a single Dimensional Multiverse, but of each and every one of the Infinite Dimensional Multiverses that exist in the Megaverse. Whose power is so enormous that he can manipulate them and transcend the concepts of existence and non-existence, plus the Infinite higher levels and inaccessible to each other for each of the infinite Universes and infinite Multiverses. One of his abilities is the ability to copy, cancel, block powers from his enemies and transfer them to his in order to return his attacks but with immeasurably greater power than his rival.

  Back on topic, our heroes were willing to train hard, to the point that they would not get tired in order to once again protect the world. Gohan would reach the Mystical State of level 2 and 3, for later Vegeta and Goku would also achieve it, who are not only stronger than Gohan himself by having better fighting capabilities, but also because they have even exceeded the potential of son of our protagonist thanks to the fact that these two were Pure Saiyans and the other was a Hybrid between Saiyans and Humans. Within a month, they were willing to go to Demiyari's realm, as his realm exists outside of all of the entire Multiverses.

  Once they have arrived in said kingdom, they have prepared to give everything to protect their relatives and prevent their world from being destroyed. Upon arrival, they were in a completely gigantic City, where an endless number of magical beings and entities with supernatural abilities lived. They ask him where the king of the place was, to which one would point him in a castle, to which the trio of Saiyans would go to said place. Upon arrival he would see a lot of guards that were not a problem for him, since they are not powerful enough to even fight Kaarat in his first form. When they reach their goal, they would see a subject with rather long silver hair, a purple cloak, and some strange gray and dark colored clothing.

  The Deity that you were looking for so much you finally found it... Demiyari!

— "I see that you are willing to kill me... right?" —

— Shut up, insect! Better prepare to die —

  The three transformers in the Mystic Super Saiyan of level 3, whose power far exceeded even a Full Super Saiyan 9, were ready to attack and when Vegeta made the first movement, he would be defeated and returned to his base state, which would amaze Goku already. Gohan of his sudden defeat.

— I must tell you something: I am the supreme ruler of the fallen, where I am the one who embodies the concept of evolution and truth in all creation itself. You jerks do not compare to my power, where if I wish I can disappear all the Infinite Dimensional Multiverses in the blink of an eye —

— Damn son of a bitch!! —

— Calm down, Gohan! I know this can be difficult and from what the Supremes have told us, this being is impossible to touch... moreover, there is no physical, mental or spiritual way to harm it —

  Such Goku's last words, Vegeta would get up little by little and was recovering his energy. The others wondered why dr soon recovered and Gohan would recommend that the reason is because they have used the Mystic power as a base state and now possess the abilities and skills of said power as if they were already established techniques without transforming. Demiyari, seeing what happened, got quite angry and tried to attack him... but something unexpected would happen: Goku would stop Demiyari's fist and he sees the enormous anger that the Saiyan was transmitting, since he was not expected to stop him so quickly and more because he would realize that his invulnerability over physical touches did not help him. Our Protagonist would tell them the following thing that would scare him away, and then Vegeta would raise his Ki as well as his partner:

— You can't treat Mortals like that... and seeing from your mental projection, where it seems to ignore your protective barrier, it seems that you have a problem that mortals are at the level of the Gods. I can understand that, since there are some who use power as a necessary evil for their coexistence. However, I cannot allow those to cause you to end up eliminating all mortals from their very existence, just because one reached the power of the beings themselves from the Beyond. –

— Damn, don't you realize what you're doing? —

— Kakarot is right in what he is saying. You are a head inflated with air that only has that ideology of God Superior to mortals themselves, seeing that you feel powerless after seeing how we can evolve and move on. You have to remember this in your stubborn head : "we mortals never give up for a goal that we promised ourselves and anyone who is preventing it is because their goals are worthless for the support they deserve. " —

  Such words would make all the entire Multiverses tremble at once and illuminate a blinding flash, which would temper all the existential planes and the Metaphysical Concepts themselves. After that, it was seen that both warriors were in their Super Saiyan 4 forms. What differentiates them is that Goku has completely golden fur and hair and Vegeta is black; the duo was ready.

  In a moment to another, they were in a great space with stars and planets, where thanks to the anomalies that automatically caused both Goku and Vegeta. Demiyari was confused as to what was going on, as he hadn't expected such a sudden change of scenery. However, that did not stop him from trying to stop the two. But despite all the circumstances, the two were immune to Demiyari's attacks and dispensed with his attacks, to the point that they manipulated his ability to copy techniques and block said function.

  After a while, Demiyari would give up and ask them to kill him at once, until Goku asks him the following:

— One question... is it true that you do this for someone? —

— Ys-yes... that's right —

– "Hmm... okay, I'll let you live... but decide who it is and we'll leave you alone, along with your inhabitants." —

— ... is... T͕̣̙̟͑̏̓̚ḫ̖ͦ̚e̺̣̱͍͓̞̗̿ͦ̄̒̋ͪ̄ Ț̘̜̺͈̰̬̈̐͋̽̿̌̚a̟͐kȃ̽̓̚ma̬͐ ̝͔̬̯̗͖ͅB̘͙̫͍e̹̽a̼̔sṯ̭̭̑͆̂ –

— "Hmm...perfect." Now try not to attack us and our Family as well —

— "Ok-okay..." —

  After that, our heroes would return to earth but something that still did not leave our Saiyan's mind at peace is... who is T͕̣̙̟͑̏̓̚ḫ̖ͦ̚e̺̣̱͍͓̞̗̿ͦ̄̒̋ͪ̄ Ț̘̜̺͈̰̬̈̐͋̽̿̌̚a̟͐kȃ̽̓̚ma̬͐ ̝͔̬̯̗͖ͅB̘͙̫͍e̹̽a̼̔sṯ̭̭̑͆̂ ?

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