Time flies and it seemed that the story had ended... but it was not:

After the battle of Tengu and our friends, some beings intervene at the exact moment to bring the Duo of warriors. The reason is because they have wreaked havoc in recent times, where a trial must be held to determine their elimination. After that idea, the Celestials or the Old Gods would ask Goku and Vegeta some questions and they say the following:

— What is the need to bring us here? We did nothing wrong. — On the part of Goku, who would be answered by a Celestial:

— Well Mr. Goku, and also Mr. Vegeta, you have made a series of anomalies in these battles against the Demiyari King and the Guardian of the second hell, Tengu specifically, where you are accused of having wreaked havoc across multiple Universes and Multiverses. But it's not only that, but you've also used the forbidden power on your part... They are Goku, or rather, Kakarot. —

Those last words remain silent for both of them for a few seconds, until another celestial says the following:

— Well, although you can fix or "forgive" your actions because of protecting your world. Still, this also caused other anomalies to wreak havoc across the Megaverse in which they live. —

— Megaverse?, what is that? — Asked Goku and Vegeta, to which another Celestial removes their doubt:

— The Megaverse is the set and the totality of all the Multiverses, where in turn each Multiverse contains the Totality of the Universes. It is important and noteworthy that there is not a single Megaverse, but rather that there are several and of the same number of Multiverses or the Universes themselves. —

- And how many in total? —

— Infinities, but not just any Infinite. Infinity is much bigger than it appears, since we are talking about cardinal numbers, where The Set Theory works , where it would also involve the Alefs numbers. In short, there are Transfinite Realities and Dimensional Multiverses that exist in each Megaverse, since they also have Transfinite of these. — After that explanation, the Saiyan duo would be left with their mouths open, where they don't know what to say since they were slow to process due to the Celestial's explanation.

— But can't we do something to at least forgive us and thus avoid more problems? —

— "Well, now that you mention it... we can make a deal." —

- And what is it about? —

- We do this. You will go to face an entity called the Takama Beast, where if you manage to defeat it we will set you free. — The light blue one would say, to which Goku replies:

— “The Takama Beast…what a strange name…oh wait! —

— ¿Hmm? —

— I think I had heard that name from Demiyari —

— Demiyari has a small association with Takama, since he forced him to kill you. —

— "Why would you let someone manipulate you?" —

— It is because the Takama Beast is the most powerful creature in existence, to the point that its objective is to take over the Tree of Everything, a structure that maintains life in creation itself —

— " are we going to stop that thing?" —

— We will give you our Essence and with that you will be able to defeat the aforementioned entity. Deal? — Goku and Vegeta would hesitate a bit, but they accept anyway.

  They come to the conclusion that they must do the ritual of the Old Gods, where they must use Super Saiyan 5 because only common energy can be used but it must be stable, so they proceed to do it. On the other hand, in a short period of time, Takama would arrive and he would enter the Celestial Kingdom, causing a massacre and murder of many Gods. Upon reaching his goal, he would meet the Old Gods themselves, who were prepared to fight.

  The Takama Beast, on the one hand, is a very ancient being that is actually the personification of Evil throughout all the Narratives themselves, where it completely transcends all the ideas and thoughts of the Gods, to such an extent that it wreaks havoc and manipulate the Platonic and Archetypal Concepts as a simple child's game. His Physiology is such that even he is above the concepts of intelligence and knowledge, where he knows absolutely all things that are about to happen.

  Returning to the others, Takama would tell them the following:

— Do you think you Gods can stop me? —

— Takama, you have provoked the end of time and we will not allow you to go after the Tree. —


— We don't, but they do. —

  They turn to the side and see Goku in the company of Vegeta, both transformed into Super Saiyan 5... but it was different: their fur was golden in color and their outfits have changed, to dark and white pants but had a skirt of sky blue color. Also adding that he had some bracelets on his tails, along with some Pothara earrings. They had reached Omnipotence itself, where they have transcended even the Heavenly Realm. The duo have reached the power of Level 5 Mystic Super Saiyan!! .

  The two warriors would look straight at Takama, who with a smile tells them not to hold back as he was more than ready at this point. The Saiyan duo will attack first!!

  Both would insert the first blows to the entity, who would resist the attacks and with a quick movement would send it flying several meters away. Angry Vegeta with monstrous speed would blow Takama into a massive amount of stories, which would be erased by the impact of the prince's blows. Goku will teleport in an instant where they were and decides to go attack his partner. The Takama Beast, despite the blows he is receiving, will laugh and automatically increase his ki, to such a degree that he resisted Vegeta's blows more and more. However, despite the fact that he had the very advantage of evolving quickly, there was a detail that he did not realize in his fight and that in addition to that, sooner or later he would find out.

  The Saiyan duo decide to go deeper and use better in combat, which quickly gives more fight against the Demon in charge of Evil, who would continue to increase his Power. As time passed, mysteriously, the two had raised their Ki more and more as they fought against the Takama Beast, where the latter realizes that they also increase their Ki exponentially and seeing the situation, he would decide to raise the rate of battle more. the battle and therefore, he promised himself that he would not let himself be defeated.

  After that, it would raise its power so much that it trembled not only the celestial kingdom, which transcends all Histories, but would also end up destroying it, along with all the structures and the very conceptualization of Creation itself. Takama had reached a point of the climax of the fight, where he even transcended the same concepts of Cosmology, existence and Narrative, where he had even decided to put an end to the Tree of Everything (and boy would he succeed, since shortly after , after destroying the creation, this tree that was connected to it would also be affected).

  Now Takama would become a being that would transcend absolutely everything, to the point that he is even aware of something... ourselves (the readers). The Beast, despite the fact that it had the objective of ending Goku and Vegeta, after defeating them, was going to go further, where he would know our location and thus end the superior reality where we are and exist.

  However, Takama is not the only one who would transcend existence, but also the pair of Saiyans, where they would not allow the entity to go to the real world, where it has already caused him to lose his loved ones and the heavenly realm.

  The seconds would be eternities themselves, where in reality it would be Hundreds of Infinite Eternities that have elapsed.

  At one point, the enemy would tell them the following:

— I see that you have great power despite being mere mortals —

—We are not going to allow you to continue causing chaos!! — The prince of the Saiyans says it, to which Takama says:

— Well, perhaps this will help them to stop interfering with my plans... —

  Suddenly, everything becomes a blank void. Vegeta would even end up being eliminated by Takama, who would laugh maniacally after seeing his death, but didn't realize that Goku still existed. The confused entity did not understand anything, since it does not understand why his enemy, whom he has fought in these last eternities that elapsed in his battle, had resisted his erasure.


  Everything has a reason, Takama is not only that he had transcended existence itself, but also the Concepts of Protagonist and Antagonist themselves. However, there is something that has not transcended... the Essence. The Saiyan's essence is necessary, as he is also the personification of Faith, hope, goodness, necessity, and all the positivity itself that all of totality itself requires (including, thanks to Goku's essence, the concept of the Void). not yet destroyed).


  Takama would realize something and that is that the Tree of Everything, together with the Celestial Kingdom and the creation will gradually be reborn and would remain normal, where it would seem that it has never been destroyed. The annoying entity was wondering how everything came back, to which Goku says the following:

—It is understandable that your own Concept is evil, since you are the very cause of all the disasters and chaos that have been spread in these eras. However, I cannot allow a miserable being like you to exist, as that causes destruction to the Gods as well. —


— You have made a series of anomalies that are unforgivable and despite the fact that you are a Concept of said function, there should not be at least one entity that represents it —

  In a quick movement, he would launch a rain of blows, where he would hurt Takama and he would feel the enormous pain he felt for each blow that traveled in all his senses. The Saiyan would throw some last words before him:

— " We mortals make many mistakes, where they affect and influence other people, making them more miserable. However, all those mistakes are learned through actions, decisions and regret for oneself or for others. I am not a human ... but even so, it doesn't mean that we can all evolve for the better and develop oneself." —

  When he finished saying that, he would launch a powerful blow that would leave Takama very seriously injured, who was lying on some rubble of a planet after being hit by Goku's rain of blows. He would get up and see the Saiyan already prepared a Spirit Bomb, which is nicknamed the Multiversal Spirit Bomb , which has the essence and energy of the entirety of existence and the Tree of Everything itself.

  Our Saiyan prepared to launch the final attack, tells him that this is for all the beings that have been killed by his hands, to later launch the Multiversal Spirit Bomb. Takama would try to deflect it, but the power of the technique was so great that it went beyond his own imagination and established logic, in which at a certain point, Goku would teleport to his own creation at immeasurable distances, where Takama would receive the Spirit Bomb inside that white Void that was outside of all existence itself, everything for which Takama had finally been destroyed, along with the concepts that represented him.


  Our duo of Warriors had saved all of existence and it is not only that, but a series of events happened where this happened:

  1. Goku and Vegeta become the Supreme Protectors of the Heavenly Realm, embodying said concept to the scale of their abilities.
  2. Both Goku and Vegeta had reached a point where their Base forms monstrously outnumbered the Fifth Level Mystic Forms of that time.
  3. Another entity would be born in which he represented the concepts that Takama once had, but this time he no longer intervenes in the affairs of the Gods and Mortals.
  4. Beings like Irina, Xicor, the Angel Z, even Goku and Vegeta's parents are resurrected and decide to make their lives peaceful.
  5. Broly has currently found the woman of his dreams on a planet far from earth, where they would eventually have a child.
  6. The Legends of Super Saiyan Infinite and Super Saiyan 20,000 would be discovered.
  7. Goku and Vegeta would have a fight against the creator of everything, The Great Father or simply God, where the latter incalculably transcended the powers of both.
  8. The existence of the two great legends shake in the first hell, in which it exists on a higher plane completely and inaccessible to God or to our two favorite Warriors.
  9. The possibility of existence of a being that has transcended into Our world (and when I mean "Our" world, I mean your world as well).
  10. Goku and Vegeta return to their homes safe and sound, returning to peaceful life and that is where this whole story ends.

The End...

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