Time flies, peace abounds on Earth, everyone goes about their lives as usual. Gohan works as a great world investigator, Goten saving many civilizations as the new Great Saiyaman, Trunks helping his mother in the Capsule Corporation, Vegeta training as usual in the Gravity Machine, etc. A year has passed after Goku went with Shenron to a place unknown to his loved ones, but even so, that period of time has allowed his friends and family to rest after many enemies they have defeated throughout their lives. lives. Everything is going normal at the moment and there is no threat lurking on Earth...or so they thought.

  At one point, two Saiyan ships would appear that landed in a desert place far away from many civilizations and entire peoples. In them there is a man with green clothes and silver hair, and the other is a woman with strange clothes like those of a Kaio Shin. These two have a Ki to be feared, especially that of green garments, and these would leave the area in search of something or rather someone. The one in greenish clothes would make a great massacre and destruction everywhere, where many people would be tortured and killed at the hands of this mysterious guy.

  " Please don't kill me! — The innocent man would say, but the one in green clothes replies:
 - You know? It is curious that my father has lived here all this time here on a planet of useless living beings whose power is too low. — He would say it in such seriousness that he would end up bursting the skull of the innocent person, for after that, he would pulverize it without leaving neither matter nor molecular particles. At that moment, someone would come out who was going to stop those guys, this was Goten and he was upset to see how he couldn't save that person in time and he asked who these two were, then the woman would answer him as follows :

  — I see that you are interested in knowing who we are and why we do this... well, my name is Lila and I am the Kaio Shin of the South. He is my son, his name is Xicor, and the question of why we are doing this is because we are looking for someone in particular. — Lila would say answering Goten's doubt, to which the latter tells them who is that person; Xicor would rudely tell him not to interfere in his affairs and defeat him with a single casual blow like nothing. But the Z Warriors would arrive to help Goten and they were ready to fight the warrior in greenish garments. Time passes quickly and several warriors have already fallen at the hands of Xicor, for example: Trunks, Gohan, Vegeta, Uub, etc. They tried to stop the warrior in green garments, however, their efforts were destroyed and they were about to meet their end. However, Xicor would be temporarily sealed thanks to Kibito Shin and the Z Sword. Vegeta later assassinated South Kaio Shin, and directly they were all gathered in the Capsule Corporation. They were devising a contingency plan, but it was impossible.

 — Now what are we going to do? — Diria Bulma, who was also number 18, Tenshi Han, Master Roshi, etc. To which Gohan says:
 — We have to do something before Xicor leaves her seal and causes great destruction for the rest of the planet. - I would say it in a desperate way, to which Milk twelve something that caught the attention of the others.
 — Hopefully Goku is with us to defeat that guy. — Until Kaio Sama speaks to the others and informs them that there was a way to stop Xicor. That way is by bringing the Saiyan called Son Goku, best known as the mortal who saved the earth countless times and sometimes the Universe. The way it could be brought about is for Dende to recreate the Dragon Balls and for 7 pure-hearted Saiyans to give each other his spirit, his unconsciousness and his Ki.

 Time passes, Dende has already managed to recreate the Dragon Balls and in addition to that, the 7 Saiyanjins were ready. But if on earth there were 6 in total, who was the seventh? Well, the answer is somewhat impressive... the seventh member was Broly. That yes!, keeping an eye on him was very difficult but it was possible. Right now everything is ready for the invocation to bring the Saiyan back into the physical world. They make the invocation and our heroes say: 

— Come out Shenron, revive Goku and bring him to the physical world! — The wish has been fulfilled. A great light illuminates in the Zone and a familiar figure was seen for the others... — Hello everyone! I haven't seen them for a long time. —Everyone seeing him would quickly go to hug him. Goku would receive that welcome and later, the others would give them the context of the current situation and he would understand what the new opponent will be like. Our hero would realize that Xicor's Ki had appeared out of nowhere and without hesitation, he would teleport to the battle zone where both Goku and Xicor were, they would meet face to face, we would start having a little chat and our Saiyan would realize account that he is the father of Xicor. The latter explains that he was robbed of a small blood sample while he was unconscious on the planet Yardrat and with that blood sample, she believes what I would be right now. Goku would listen to his words and decide not to play games. These two would have a close battle, Goku would go through Transformation by Transformation (this from his base form, to his Super Saiyan 4 state). Our hero would realize that he couldn't defeat him that way and would start increasing his Ki uncontrollably. What would get to the Fifth level of the Saiyan Phases.

 When Xicor saw him, he would also go with everything and go to his 100%. The battle would resume, only Goku would give him a great beating and end up throwing a Kame Hame Ha at his own son, to be able to finish off with a Dragon blow. It would seem that Goku won the battle but it was not like that, rather it was the opposite. Xicor, very angry, would attack our Protagonist in a savage manner and take him off the planet in a matter of seconds, which would crash into the Moon. The two resume the fight but in Space and their blows caused a shake between some parts of the Universe: which would cause the destruction of some star systems and entire stars, not to mention some entire planets that exist. Xicor has reached a level where the Universal conception of Time is nothing to him, if not something that would be insignificant before the greenish-robed warrior. The two would fight again and this would cause an imbalance between both beings of great magnitude of powers.

 The two showed the best of themselves, because they surpassed everything before seen by us. Directly, the Dark Dragons themselves are mere games for Xicor at his full power and Goku at Super Saiyan 5; Causality and the effect of the attacks of one another showed no effect between father and son, where it would blind what that light entails within the Universe. A great power where they showed themselves as two warriors leaving the others behind and focusing more on who would win the other.

 - You will fall down!! —
 — I don't think so!! —

 Incredibly, there is something curious between Xicor and Goku with his new Transformation. I mean, each fist bump could be seen to disintegrate anything within their closest range between them. The reason why it was like that is because the two with their new powers, were able to leave the soul of the individual nothing, as well as being able to manipulate everything that is the living being within the parameters (physically, mentally and / or spiritually speaking). Our hero to finish once and for all against Xicor, would launch his Dragon punch once again but this time he would go with all his power deployed, which would end up defeating Xicor without leaving anything thanks to having a much more abstract Ki than his son's. Goku would regret his act but he would know that he couldn't do anything, he just had to finish it. Still, once again and as usual,

-To be continue...

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