It is incredible what time has passed and the events that our heroes experienced since the return of the Saiyan. Everything seemed normal in the lives of our heroes... or well, just TEMPORARILY. Goku was training with Vegeta in the Gravity machine to further strengthen his powers, at that precise moment, Supreme Kai from 15 Generations ago calls the duo on an urgent matter. He tells them both that they bring other Saiyanjins to bring the planet, the two of them made the request strange but in the end they made that compliment. Already in the Zone, Kibito-Shin tells the others that Angel Z has come out of his sealing and wants to take revenge on it. Back then, Vegeta would ask Kaio Shin from 15 Generations ago who Angel Z was and he would tell that Angel Z (or Zeta only) was one of the most powerful beings in the Universe, but he is also one of the most noble and kind in all creation from the beginning of time. He created the concepts of Time and Space, then he created the conceptualization of being and what led to a point where we were created based on love, loyalty, justice, protection, etc. In a few words, Zeta held a superior hierarchy that no evil entity would do anything to him in front of him; not even the Divine Demon himself would give battle to this Universal entity. then I create the conceptualization of being and what led to a point where we were created based on love, loyalty, justice, protection, etc. In a few words, Zeta held a superior hierarchy that no evil entity would do anything to him in front of him; not even the Divine Demon himself would give battle to this Universal entity. then I create the conceptualization of being and what led to a point where we were created based on love, loyalty, justice, protection, etc. In a few words, Zeta held a superior hierarchy that no evil entity would do anything to him in front of him; not even the Divine Demon himself would give battle to this Universal entity.

 —Listen carefully, Angel Z or Zeta was a kaio shin who created everything that makes up the true form of the Universe, constant the beginnings and endings of being, what it is, the subjective, the logical, the real, etc. .or in a few words, this Universe was formed based on his status as Great Kaio Shin and he created all life in this Cosmo. - He would finish explaining and this would make both Goku and Vegeta, they would be amazed at the entity and they already get an idea of ​​the threat they are facing... until a familiar voice appears for the Kaio Shins... that was him. own Angel Z or simply Zeta .

 — Well, well, it's nice to see you again... Supreme Kaio Sama. —
 - You Damn! , I thought you were sealed! —
 – Well, your seal is rubbish and it doesn't compare to the skills I can do... however, I won't need them to finish off a weakling like you. And from what I see, now you're a decrepit old man who merged with a witch and you're a scum that shouldn't stay alive. — I would say it seriously, showing superiority before the aforementioned Kaio Shin.

 This commented that he was waiting for him to fight with the opponents who are looking for him, then the Saiyans without hesitation, would decide to attack the aforementioned Kaio Shin. This entity easily humiliates each warrior like nothing (considering they were using their maximum powers and strongest transformations). Despite the fact that the warriors had great battle power and that Angel Z greatly surpassed them, Goku would not give up even because he was not willing to lose for little effort, so he decides to use a seal to contain the aforementioned being, only that this sealing was much more powerful than Kaio Shin did from 15 Generations ago (this happened while Angel Z was distracted). Both Goku and Vegeta are looking for a way to defeat the individual, until Supreme Kai from 15 generations ago gives an idea to defeat him and it's... A very dangerous but efficient ritual. This ritual consists of absorbing the energy of the Dragon spheres while the Kaio Samas were in charge of manifesting the evil power. The idea was good, but someone with a pure heart was needed to be the one to do that ritual (this was because it was useless if someone other than Goku did it). Everyone agreed that the one indicated was our aforementioned protagonist and he accepted without any whim. Now, Kibito-Shin searched for the Dragon Balls in a matter of several minutes on earth and in an instant he arrived with the others. Everything is going as it should, now what they needed was for Goku to be in an inhospitable place and for Kibito-Shin, along with the Supreme Kai from 15 generations ago, to do the rest. The ritual has been completed... immediately, Angel Z comes out of his sealing and was ready to fight Goku, only with a new Transformation. Angel Z would launch a strange ability towards Goku, but the latter would not affect him at all. He would know that this technique could erase him, but he couldn't... now, what is this strange ability of Angel Z? Well, this technique consists of making attacks on the individual to return to unreal levels of the conceptualization of being and not being. Or another way of saying, they return the attacks of the individual (even of the same) and turn them into a nothing of what is thevery inexistence of what is and is not. But to understand it better, Angel Z wanted to erase Goku by becoming a simple dream or someone who was never real on the plane, not only physically, but even on the conceptual planes of the existence of the Universe.

 This ability was made invalid because our hero didn't deal anything to him and it doesn't seem to affect attacks that can turn unreal things into real, or real things into unreal. Zeta still did not give up and he uses another strange ability that he had and uses it to corrupt Goku's mind in a great madness, or simply try to destroy the connection between his soul, body and unconsciousness itself (from a physical scale, to an abstract scale of it). However, the Saiyan did not affect him at all yet and this was a frustration on the part of the old Kaio Shin, who was annoyed that he could not do anything to our Protagonist.

 — Damn son of a bitch, how the hell can you still be alive after corrupting yourself and trying to become an unreal being of your own existence!? — Zeta showed a lot of frustration because he couldn't believe that even a mortal surpassed him and he was immune to his techniques that encompassed Abstractly. But incredibly, Goku is silent for a few moments, to later tell him this:

 "..., hey... I have to confess something..."
 - What? —
 "Hehehe... do you plan to defeat me with those cheap and useless techniques?" , because if that is the case, I am sorry to tell you that you are finished and you will be condemned for the eternities of my being... —
 "What do you mean Damn Talking Monkey?" —
 — ... —
 "Speak Cursed!!" —
 —... I see that you still don't understand the message I'm giving, because I see that you're just a scum compared to me and I recommend you argue with me... or else. —
 — Or else what? , You're going to kill me? LOL -
 - You have been warned... -

 Goku at a great speed that neither Angel Z did not capture, would be pierced by the Saiyan's fist and would give a great cry of pain seeing that he was bleeding a lot. The latter sees how he is being humiliated by a " Simple " Saiyan who would end up turning his back on him and walking away from him while suffering blood loss. Zeta without thinking, he decides to use his master card:

 — Damn... how do we have things like this? Well, Universal Punishment! — Angel Z would send a strange technique towards our hero while he had his back to his, causing the trap to fall on him. Despite the fact that it is the most powerful technique that it possesses (that its function is to leave nothing to the victims in ceasing to be everything that entails the principles and beginnings of creation, where it will encompass the Duality of the entity: as the good and the evil, the real and the unreal, the information and the subjective, etc), the result was always the same... it was a nightmare for the Kaio Shin. Angel Z was quite angry to see that Goku did not affect him at all yet and it would be the last straw, since he would stop using techniques and go hand-to-hand. These two decide to go with everything, leaving aside the games and they will know how the fate of the fight is. This battle looked like they both bumped their fists,

 The reality is in danger of its destruction due to the fight between these two beings with great skills in Combat; the Universe stores an Infinite number of Dimensions, Realms and Worlds (which, each one stores a chain of infinite possibilities that create new paths in Space and Time, or in other words, Infinite Time Lines ). The mere presence of the two caused a tear in reality, where if they continued like this, this entire cosmos was going to be destroyed without leaving any trace.

 At a certain point, the two leave the games behind and go all out. Their battle causes the destruction of multiple Galaxies, Dimensions or even the disappearance of many Realities/entire Universes.(tens, if not even hundreds of them). The battle determined the hope towards Goku, because he is the only one to put an end to Kaio-Shin, who went from being the kindest being to a being with a negative heart. As the fight progressed, our Saiyan easily surpassed the old Kaio Shin more and more, so he would end up easily defeating him using a great Kame Hame Ha at full power. Our Protagonist and Vegeta were thanked by the Kaio Shin, and they decide to return to Earth... although something happened, our heroes were teleported to earth and on the way, Goku would happen to him and he would leave where he was with his friends. Right now and at this precise moment, Goku doesn't know where he is and was confused as to why they were in a completely dark void...

-To be continue...

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