A few months after what happened with hell or another world and with the connection with the mortal world, Goku was training on Kaio-Sama's planet as usual. He enjoyed that past time and it seems that he enjoyed those moments a lot as well as being with his loved ones, however, something was happening to him lately and he has noticed these times after the defeat of the Divine Demon. Kaio Sama noticed that negative feeling for the soul of our Saiyan, he saw that something bad was going to happen and he didn't like that. Meanwhile, he was contacting Supreme Kai from 15 generations ago telepathically and they talked about it, since it's not normal for Goku to feel weird. They thought it was for something after Kaarat's defeat, but it wasn't that,

 - I know, it's very strange. —
 — That's why I say that Kaarat has done something to Goku, it's not normal for that to happen to him. — The Supreme Kaio-sama from 15 generations ago would say, who was talking about that strange energy that is within the Saiyan.

 On the other hand, where our usual Saiyan was, that's where he felt a little colder (in the emotional sense), a little more exhausted and more dizzy than usual. He believed that he was sick, but it is not really so, if not something much worse than that. Something strange was happening to Goku and it was that each time, an evil energy was going to be expelled (the worst was going to happen later). Our Saiyan not taking it anymore, releases all his power and in it, a familiar silhouette of our Saiyan appears... that silhouette was the same, only it was different, like an appearance taken from our nightmares. His appearance is like his, only his suit is darker and with reddish hints. His eyes were red and the fabric was black. He is not the same Goku as always, but an evil version of him, a darker and more vengeful one... How and why? All this is due to the fact that he had previously absorbed the Dragon Balls and he still had that evil energy. But apart from that, Kaarat had given Goku a curse to suffer and fight the opponent of his caliber (that is, himself). The other Goku without thinking, would teleport to another part of the Universe.

 - What the hell happened!? — Our protagonist would say, then Kaio Sama tells him:
 — It seems that the Divine Demon, Kaarat, has cast a curse on you where it has consumed you with all negativity, that is, it will separate you from your evil self to cause chaos in the Universe. — He would say it explaining to the Saiyan, the latter tells him where his evil counterpart is (we will call him " Evil Goku "). Kaio Sama tells him to touch his back and he will close his eyes to see where that being was, to which he would pay attention and he sees how the other part of him was destroying multiple Planets, Star Systems, Galaxy, Clusters, etc.

 "Shit, what are we going to do now?" —
— I wouldn't know how to tell you... but maybe it's that you have to recover your energy to later go fight with that evil version of you because I realized that you can only be harmed by yourself, but not another individual. - I would say explaining about Evil Goku, what our hero thinks to do while he has to recover to reach his level before.
 — I understand, but we need help before that bad me destroys the entire planet. - She would say it frustratedly.

 On the other hand, Evil would have other plans apart from destroying the civilizations of the Universe, he would decide to go to earth. Now... Why did Evil Goku make such a big mess in many parts of the Universe? This is because he wanted to test his great power and also, he wanted to show how fearsome he was. But that was not the only thing about this destroyer of worlds, if he did not have to make all the vast infinite space and the very existence of the Universe be conquered by his own hands to show fear under his rule in creation. From here, we would see for the first and only time in the entire Universe, an evil variant of the Saiyan and that he greatly enjoyed the massacre, the suffering, the pain and the death of his victims (he did not regret it or the absolute, he enjoyed and sometimes tortured many beings when he was a bit bored). The new threat had a great power, that if he wished, he could make the end of many dimensions of an attack and make chaos in other chaos of reality, and yes... Evil Goku only had one main objective and that is to win. of his normal self. This at a certain time in his era, he would arrive on earth and he wanted to make a massacre on it. Several Z Fighters tried to stop him, however, they could not do anything and only those who were Saiyans were the ones who did some damage to him.

 "Dam-damn... how can it be that you greatly surpass me?" - Vegeta would say with a difficulty of speaking due to the damage he received from the other Goku, to which he would respond as follows:
 — You, prince of the Saiyans, you are not at my level and you are just shit compared to me. Get ready to die and get together with your friends, you're going to stop suffering... yes, I have that purpose with you, because enjoying spilling the blood of my victims, their cries of pain and above all, knowing that They are going to stop being in this world because I have that purpose of seeing how beings fall before me. — His words showed a superiority to Vegeta and you could tell how incredibly cold this Goku was, no... that wasn't Goku, if not something much worse if our protagonist hadn't hit his head.

 Evil Goku was about to finish off all our heroes and the loved ones of our real hero. Until he is interrupted by a punch from someone who was expecting his arrival... he was the one and only Son Goku. The latter stops him before doing what he was doing, to later have a talk between the two. The evil counterpart tells him that he was only looking for his destruction and creating chaos not only in the physical Universe, but also to bring fear and despair to other planes of reality. Instead, the original part says that it does not have a purpose and only does it because yes and that's it, to which his evil self replies that this purpose has to do with its origins and not taking advantage of it at the time because it was hit head. Basically, by consuming a lot of hate and negativity from Kakarotto or Evil, he has managed to free himself thanks to the curse of the Divine Demon and more considering that he obtained a large part of his powers.

 Goku upon hearing his words tells him that despite not being able to fulfill the objective of his origins, it makes no sense to do so because in the end, there will always be beings stronger than him or even humiliate him without problems. With those words, our Saiyan's evil counterpart would start attacking him, beginning an epic battle between two sides of a single coin, two different counterparts with completely different thoughts and attitudes, good and evil in their radiance. Without a doubt, a fight of the Savior against the Destroyer. They both had a very even battle, they both used transformation by transformation (there seemed to be no difference). Until Goku is received energy by his friend and he would realize that he had enough power to defeat his evil counterpart; both had the same abilities and powers, that was very noticeable, since we take into account that Evil Goku has a great power where Space and Time mean nothing to him, because his Ki has managed to break the barriers of said concepts. Each one was destroying thousands of Stars and entire Galaxies without leaving anything on them, achieving a cosmic tremor that would encompass not only the same Space-Time where they fought, but also the existence of all Dimensions, Worlds and existing kingdoms.

However, our protagonist would start to get the upper hand because that negativity that he had would start to disappear and he had a way of overcoming his evil self. Our hero would use his Dragon punch and launch directly towards Evil Goku, who, upon receiving the attack, would permanently disappear thanks to the evil and evil energy of the original Goku together with the curse that Kaarat made before being overthrown before the Saiyan already mentioned. Luckily, none of our heroes died, Goku had to revive each and every living being/world destroyed by the evil part of him and once again, we owe it all to the Saiyan who once again saved the Universe from his destruction.

-To be continue...

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