
Super Saiyan Beyond Everything

  The Super Saiyan beyond all is the threat and savior of all existence and non-existence, a power that escapes the imagination and transcends our information of the Human being, Philosophies, Mathematics, Theories, Narratives of all kinds and of all creation, Fictions and non-Fiction, Techniques and Physical/Mental/Unconscious/Metaphysical/Narratives/... Rooms, Dualism and non-Dualism, Etcetera. He is one absolute and transcendence itself, the perfect abstraction beyond all mathematical infinity and the original work is only a small shadow of this being, the infinitely nested Narrative steps and the Hierarchies themselves are fictions, the circle of ideas beyond the understanding from which all abstract concepts and physiologies are created, the Realm of the Old Gods and the Tree of All, with their ramifications that penetrate the sky beyond dimensions, the four types of the Infinite Dimensional Multiverses, the Infinite Conjuncts with their respective Unlimited/Infinite hierarchies,

The Legends of Super Saiyan Infinite and Super Saiyan 20K

  Since the beginning of creation, countless entire civilizations with great capabilities have been born in the future: some boasting great technology, others possessing overwhelming intelligence, and others harboring power so great that it is beyond our minds' imagination.   No matter how or what, there are two warriors who wielded incredibly high power, with enough capacity to wipe out the entire creation. Each Universe, housing Infinite time lines in each of the Infinite Worlds, Realms and Physical Dimensions to these realities, which in turn had up to an Infinite Geometric number of Superior levels of existence (superimposing one on the other as simple fiction). As well as, housing the aforementioned Sets but on much higher scales, housing Platonic elements (planes where ideas, entities or perfect, immutable, insurmountable, transcendent beings are housed, or even beings whose existence goes beyond any Temporal measure, axis Euclidean in what is physical existence and the funda


Time flies and it seemed that the story had ended... but it was not: After the battle of Tengu and our friends, some beings intervene at the exact moment to bring the Duo of warriors. The reason is because they have wreaked havoc in recent times, where a trial must be held to determine their elimination. After that idea, the Celestials or the Old Gods would ask Goku and Vegeta some questions and they say the following: — What is the need to bring us here? We did nothing wrong. — On the part of Goku, who would be answered by a Celestial: — Well Mr. Goku, and also Mr. Vegeta, you have made a series of anomalies in these battles against the Demiyari King and the Guardian of the second hell, Tengu specifically, where you are accused of having wreaked havoc across multiple Universes and Multiverses. But it's not only that, but you've also used the forbidden power on your part... They are Goku, or rather, Kakarot. — Those last words remain silent for both of them for a few se


  Surely you will be seeing this message, in which you will have the following question... what is happening?, well let me explain below:   Since the beginning of time, before the concepts of existence and non-existence, emptiness or nothing even existed, it is where the first Gods would be created. Said beings would create the first Universe, full of temporal lines and Dimensional fractals, where later Infinite cardinal Dimensions would be created, whose structures would be Transfinite and that exist up to an Infinite Aleph Number capable of reality. It is also necessary to highlight the very existence of Kingdoms and Metaphysical Worlds and Archetypes, where they give shape and origin to the Dualistic concepts and the abstractions that give birth to reality. But it is not only a single Universe, but of Infinite Ones (or well... Transfinite Universes where the quantity is of an Infinite number of cardinals). That is what shapes the first Dimensional Multiverse.   The Multiverse on the


  Right at the exact moment, after spending the first 30 seconds of using the forbidden power, our Saiyan would use that to finish off Cellbuzer. Then he would use his power to return everything to normal, but the other 30 seconds just passed, where our protagonist decides to say goodbye to all his loved ones... or so it was thought: shortly after, Goku sees what an infinite Void was like. , in which he does not know what happened but a great flash of blinding Light illuminates the area and after that he returned to the world where he belonged. —Wh-where am I?... Is it back? —   These words reverberated the place and his loved ones see the return of the Saiyan, who have thought that he had disappeared. [1 YEAR LATER]   A year has passed since the Cellbuzer fight, where our heroes strengthened and rested, moving on from their quiet lives. Some warriors have started to use a training methodology that neither Goku nor Vegeta were aware of and that is the Mystic power. Said power was carri


【CELLBUZER SAGA】  Goku finally arrived with his friends and for his return, they would throw a party for our hero. But something happens... Uub is not there and nobody knows where he is. Our Saiyan would wonder why he doesn't feel his Ki on Earth and everyone said they wouldn't know where he was, to which he was worried and thinking what happened to his student. The Saiyan asked his friends and family what was the last time they saw Uub?, to which they responded differently to each one. Some said that they last saw him in a tournament, others mentioned that it was where he was having a friendly battle with some of them, so they gave their versions of the answers and none would know where Uub was. The Saiyan says that he feels his Ki somewhere else, but it's not on earth... but somewhere else in the Universe, but he can't get there with teleportation. In another place, Uub wondered where he was and a being would answer him that he was


【KIDNAPPED SAGA】   Our hero would arrive in a mysterious place where he does not know what is happening, but at that moment there was a purple demonic parking entity and he would ask the Saiyan what he was doing here and how he got there:  — Tell me mortal, who are you and what were you doing here for this place? — He would ask the Celestial Demon, to which the Saiyan would respond as follows.  — Look, I don't know what's going on here, but I need to know why I'm so flirting right now, umm... ugly, no offense, hehe. —  Goku would only reply that he doesn't know and leave a few words that would bother the entity, to which he would start torturing the Saiyan by raising his hand. The being was suffering each time, so the Saiyan would use Super Saiyan 5 but his appearance was different. His fur from him was a darker tone as well as his skin and eyes from him, he would lose his eyebrows and had great fighting power (so much so that he was